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My Shopping Bag
Looks like your shopping bag is empty, give it some love!
Between Sides | 2/1/2024 | blogs


Do you ever feel like things were made better in the past?

Well, you are not alone.

From phones to cars, shoes to garments, it feels like many of the things we buy and use today were built literally much better in the past. Because they simply used to be built to last longer. Product availability and increase of consumption comes with the benefit of stronger economies and satisfying more consumers, but definitely comes with some costs.

On top of the fact that resource availability for production grows far slower than the population and demand, rapidly growing businesses makes it more tricky to run smooth processes with much larger organizations. Often these big corporations are under constant profitability pressure as well, that puts another layer of complexity to produce the best possible products when they have to consider the production costs. The last but definitely not the least, consumers are not always willing to pay for the well made products, as they cost a lot more than what many consumers can/are willing to afford for. This obviously also influences corporations about their decision of which type of products to be produced more.

That is maybe how slowly the meaning of "Good Product" has been transformed from the "only possible way to beat the competiton" in 80-90's, to a brutal new meaning of "cost increase". As a bonus, if you make your product to stay just about for a year /or two at maximum, you can sell new products to replace them soon. This keeps happening today at the cost of a global scale inefficiency of resource & energy consumption, increased carbon footprint and landfill. This is far away from being "sustainable".

We think that the "real" sustainability is very important matter and should be first built on longevity of the product usage. We do see the gap for good quality apparel products for long use and we are taking it for a big opportunity.

So, why is Between Sides designed and crafted in Istanbul? Simply because we wanted to be on top of our manufacturing to ensure the product quality we promise. But additionally, Türkiye is a manufacturing heaven for textile. We have partnered up with best manufacturers and retailers only to ensure we will play our role to make Istanbul a better place, and a better brand. We love Istanbul and believe in its potential to become an important city in global streetwear culture.

We once dreamed, but now do know for certain, that we can make real good garments, by utilizing the strong infrastructure of Turkey for apparel & textile manufacturing.

"Good" rroducts that will stand the test of time.